I acknowledge that by possessing this Key/Key Fob I am responsible for access granted by this Key/Key Fob and agree not to transfer, loan or otherwise permit it's use by any other person without permission of a member of the Prince Albert Pistol and Rifle Club executive.
I acknowledge and agree that the Key/Key Fob remains the property of the Prince Albert Pistol and Rifle Club. I will return it on demand to a member of the executive if I move away from the local area or if I do not renew my membership in the Prince Albert Pistol and Rifle Club within twelve (12) months of the Annual General Meeting.
Failure to return the Key/Key Fob as such will cause me to forfeit my deposit. Replacement of a lost, stolen or otherwise no-returnable Key/Key Fob will result in the loss of said deposit and require an additional deposit of $50. Defective Key/Key Fobs will be replaced at no charge to the member pending the return of the old Key/Key Fob.
I acknowledge that yearly memberships expire on December 31st yearly and I will not be able to access club ranges without renewing my membership.
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